Nobody likes blemishes on face! They are not only unsightly but also play with the level of your confidence. Of course, it is only true for those who take blemishes so seriously that they lose confidence while dealing with people. For others, blemishes are just a nuisance on their face and have nothing to do with their confidence level. This is also the right approach! However, both want to get rid of blemishes and that too fast. So, here we give you some tips to remove blemishes from your face.
What are Blemishes?
Dictionary gives the definition of blemish in these words, “a small mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something.” In the context of our topic, blemishes are the marks on the face. The flaws on the face such as discoloration of skin, blackheads, whiteheads, scars, acne marks, age spots, uneven skin tone and even birthmarks can be put into the category of blemishes. Of all these, only birthmarks can’t be prevented. All the other blemishes can be prevented. In case, you fail to prevent them and get some of these marks or flaws on your face, you can take steps to remove blemishes from your face. Of course, for different types of blemishes, different remedies need to be used. But there are certain ways that can help you get rid of blemishes fast. There are also certain common remedies that can remove all types of blemishes. If not, they can at least fade the marks on your face to an extent that nobody can notice these blemishes easily.
Before knowing all the remedies to get rid of blemishes, let’s know the steps to prevent blemishes.
How to Prevent Blemishes on Face?
Prevention is better than cure. This saying stands true even for blemishes. It is far more easier to prevent blemishes on face than to remove them. You just need to make some habits to take care of your skin in a better way.
Follow proper day-to-day skin care routine
You need to cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin twice everyday, in the morning and at night. Here are some tips for day-to-day skin care to prevent blemishes.
- Always use gentle products on your skin. If possible, use natural skin care products. They don’t strip your skin off its natural oils and thus keep it moisturized naturally.
- Always wash your face with water or cleanse it with a gentle cleanser before applying daily care cosmetics to your skin in the morning and at night.
- If you have normal skin, you are a blessed person as blemishes occur rarely on such type of skin. But don’t forget to cleanse and moisturize your skin daily.
- If you have dry skin, use a deep moisturizer and also a deep moisturizing night cream.
- If you have oily skin, you need to tone and exfoliate your skin on daily basis. You only need light moisturizer, if at all.
- Use a face mask regularly, preferably once a week.
- Peel-off face masks are considered to be the best ones for blemished skin. As far as possible, use natural face masks. You will get a plenty of such natural face masks recipes later in this article.
- If you have dry skin, apply deep moisturizing masks once or twice a week.
- Never sleep with makeup on your skin. If you are following the proper skincare routine daily, you anyways clean and moisturize your skin before going to bed. Don’t break this habit if you want a blemish free glowing skin.
- People with very dry skin may also need to exfoliate skin to prevent and get rid of blemishes. If you are one of such persons, use a gentle exfoliating scrub, preferably a natural one. Exfoliate your skin once a week and never more than two times a week.
- Drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated. Well hydrated skin gets far less blemishes.
- Eat a balanced diet. Have lots of fruits and vegetables to get their anti-oxidant power. Antioxidants found in dark fruits and vegetables combat free radicals effectively to help you get rid of blemishes and other skin problems.
- Always use sunscreen before stepping out in sun. In fact, use sunscreen in all weathers and at all times because even mild ultra violet rays may harm your skin and give you blemishes.
Treat emerging spots at the earliest
This is specially recommended for those having oily and acne prone skin. Do the following to prevent the emerging spots from becoming blemishes:
- Always keep your face clean. Wash your face twice a day to remove dirt, dead skin cells, and any extra oil that might give rise to oil build-up.
- Use moisturizer. It is also recommended for those with oily skin because they normally use acne removing products frequently. These products dry out the skin. Such people can use noncomedogenic moisturizer to prevent acne from breaking out. Others may use normal moisturizers and those with dry skin can use deep moisturizers.
- If you have oily skin, avoid wearing make-up during breakout. If it’s essential on certain days, use oil-free cosmetics which don’t contain added dyes and chemicals.
- Avoid touching your face as it can cause spreading of bacteria.
- Never pick and pop your pimples.
- Avoid sun. If you can’t, protect yourself from sun rays, protect yourself from its harmful effects. For this, wear protective clothes, use such accessories as hats, scarves and umbrella. Always apply sunscreen to your skin whenever stepping out in the sun.
- Don’t stress yourself. Stress leads to pimples and acne that might end up giving you blemishes on your face.
- Use exfoliants 1-2 times a week to gently remove built-up dead skin cells. This will remove the emerging spots by revealing new skin. People with oily skin may exfoliate skin daily.
- If, however, you are not able to prevent acne, use some acne remedies as soon as you see them on your face. Removing acne promptly prevents acne scars on your face.
- If your blemishes are due to over pigmentation, use skin lightening remedies. You may also use skin lightening products. If so, choose the gentler one or those made with natural ingredients. These products work to reduce over-production of melanin that causes brown spots on your face.
- If you see age spots emerging on your skin, apply some anti-aging remedies or products. Antioxidants in them reduce redness and inflammation of your skin.
These were some tips to prevent blemishes but what if you already have blemishes on your face? There are many home remedies that can help you get rid of blemishes.
Remedies to Get Rid of Blemishes Fast
Here are some ways and remedies to remove blemishes from your face.
Use lemon juice to lighten your blemished skin areas
Lemon juice is known for its natural bleaching properties. It can dramatically reduce your dark spots and blemishes due to hyper pigmentation. Citric acid present in lemon juice also exfoliates your skin to help get rid of oil build-up. This prevents acne, another major reason for blemishes.
Make an anti-blemish face mask with lemon, honey and tomato
Get this:
- Freshly squeezed lemon juice- ½ tsp
- Honey- 1 tbsp
- Tomato pulp- 1 tsp
- Lukewarm water
Do this:
- Mix all the ingredients.
- Apply this to your face.
- Leave it there for 10-15 minutes.
- Take some lukewarm water and splash it on your face. This will loosen the mask that might get hardened after drying.
- Now wash off with cool water.
- Pat dry and moisturize your face.
Other ways to use lemon juice to remove blemishes
- Take a lemon and cut it into two halves. Squeeze out its juice and with the help of cotton, apply this to your blemished skin. Initially you may feel a tingling sensation which will subside shortly. Leave it there for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off. Repeat 2-3 times a week.
- If the undiluted lemon juice is too harsh on your skin, dilute it with some water or add equal amount of honey to it before applying this to your skin.
Precautions: If you have open wounds, don’t use lemon juice on them. Don’t step out in the sun after applying lemon juice as it makes your skin photo sensitive and leads to sunburn and more blemishes.
Potatoes lighten your skin to make it blemish free
Potatoes have an enzyme in them which is known as catecholase. It lightens skin effectively. You can simply rub a piece of peeled potato on your freckles or extract the juice of potato and then apply it to your dark spots. This remedy used regularly everyday for 2-3 times can treat skin discoloration and remove blemishes.
Make a potato mask for removing blemishes from face
Get this:
- Potato juice- extracted from 1-3 potatoes
- Gram flour- enough to make a paste
- Warm water
Do this:
- Grate the potatoes and extract juice from them.
- Add the gram flour to this juice and mix to get a paste.
- Clean your face and pat dry with towel.
- Now apply the potato-gramflour paste to your face.
- Leave the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes.
- Then splash some warm water on your face.
- After a while wash off with cool water.
- Repeat 2-3 times a week.
Apply almond-milk face pack to remove blemishes
Almond is a powerhouse of nutrients. It gives you two vital vitamins for good skin- vitamin A and E. Not only these nutrients cleanse your skin but also keep it hydrated. The fatty acids of almond give your skin deep moisturization. Milk, on the other hand, has lactic acid. This alpha hydroxy acid gently sloughs away dead skin cells to promote cell renewal. Milk exfoliates your skin and makes it free of pigmentation and discoloration. There is an added benefit of milk and that is its hydrating properties. It hydrates your skin due to its excellent water retention capacity.
Make almond-milk face pack to get rid of blemishes
Get this:
- Almonds- 7-8
- Milk- enough to make paste
Do this:
- Soak the almonds in water for 10-12 hours
- Then peel these soaked almonds and grind them
- Add a little milk to this almond paste. Don’t add too much of milk otherwise the paste will become liquid like and you won’t be able to apply it properly on your face.
- Apply this almond-milk paste to your blemishes. You can also apply it all over your face.
- Leave the mask to sit there for about half an hour.
- Wash it off with water.
- Repeat daily to get blemish free skin in about 15 days.
Soothe your skin with mint and get blemish free glowing skin
Mint is a very useful herb. It has innumerable health benefits along with certain benefits for your skin. The anti-pruritic properties of mint help soothe and calm your itchy or infected skin. Vitamin A present in mint helps strengthen your skin tissue. Those who frequently suffer from acne and get blemishes due to acne scars may consider using mint due to its salicylic acid. This acid loosens up skin’s dead cells and sloughs them away to combat the problem of clogged pores.
Make mint face mask to remove blemishes
Get this:
- Mint leaves- 8-10
Do this:
- Crush the mint leaves, preferably using a mortar and pestle to get a fine paste
- Apply this paste to your skin with blemishes
- Leave it there for about 15-20 minutes
- Wash off with water
- Repeat daily to get rid of blemishes in a few days.
Tomato gives you glowing blemish free skin
Tomato is an antioxidant rich food and has high content of vitamins A, C, and K, all good for your skin. When you use tomato pulp on your skin, you help a slough away dead skin cell which means no acne, pimples or blackheads and whiteheads etc. This ensures your skin remains blemish free.
Make tomato mask to remove blemishes
Get this:
- Tomato- 1-2
- Honey- 1 tsp
Do this:
- Grind the tomatoes to get the pulp.
- Add honey to this
- Apply this tomato mask to your skin
- Wait for about 20 minutes
- Now wash off using warm water and then cool water
- Moisturize you skin
- Do this daily till you get rid of blemishes
Use orange peel to brighten skin by removing blemishes
Orange has loads of vitamin C but orange peel has more vitamin C than the orange pulp. Isn’t that great for skin! All the nutrients and phytonutrients in orange peel makes it one of the most beneficial agent for a radiant skin. Orange peel also has calcium in it which helps renew skin cells. All these properties of orange peel makes it a great remedy for blemishes.
Make orange peel mask for blemish free skin
Get this:
- Orange peel powder- 1-2 tsp
- Yogurt- 1-2 tsp
- Honey- 1 tsp
- Freshly squeezed lemon juice- few drops
Do this:
- Combine all the ingredients and mix well to get a smooth paste
- Apply this pack to your face
- Wait for about 20 minutes
- Wash off with warm water and then with some cool water
- Moisturize your skin properly after you pat it dry
- Repeat everyday for few days to get blemish free glowing skin.
Sandalwood is an aromatic way to get blemish free skin
This is an Ayurvedic remedy used since ages to get radiant skin. The anti-tanning properties of sandalwood helps reduce damage caused to your skin by the UV rays. The cool soothing effect that you instantly feel when you apply sandalwood paste to your skin gives relief from inflammation, skin redness and sore skin too. It is also antibacterial and thus treats pimples and acne to keep your skin blemish free.
Make sandalwood mask to remove blemishes
Get this:
- Sandalwood powder- 1 tsp
- Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
- Camphor powder- a pinch of it
- Milk- enough to make paste
Do this:
- Combine sandalwood, turmeric and camphor powder
- Add milk to this and mix well to get a paste
- Wash your face and pat it dry
- Apply this paste to your face
- Gently massage your face with this paste for a couple of minutes
- Leave it overnight
- Wash off in the morning
- Repeat every night before going to bed
Strawberries help you get rid of blemishes
Strawberries are loaded with powerful anti-oxidants like vitamin C which is helpful in refreshing the collagen of skin. Collagen helps heal blemishes. Its ascorbic acid helps detoxify your skin by removing the free radicals. Strawberries also have folic acid that promotes cell regeneration, again a good thing for your skin. You get new younger looking skin without any blemishes. Not only this, strawberry juice helps you in removing dark spots due to the skin lightening effects of ellagic acid.
Make strawberry mask to get rid of blemishes
Get this:
- Strawberries- 3-4
- Vinegar- enough to make paste
Do this:
- Take the strawberries and mash them using a fork
- Add vinegar to make a paste.
- Apply this strawberry and vinegar paste to your face.
- Leave it there overnight.
- Wash off in the morning.
- Repeat every night till you get rid of blemishes.
Papaya is useful to get rid of blemishes
Papaya is one of the most beneficial fruits for skin. It has Vitamin A and an enzyme called papain. Vitamin A helps boost collagen production which gives you youthful supple skin. It also reduces the red, irritated appearance of blemishes on your skin. Papain, on the other hand, is an excellent exfoliant. When you apply papaya on your skin, this enzyme sloughs away the dead skin cells and helps you get rid of blemishes.
Make papaya face pack for blemish free face
Get this:
- Papaya cubes- ¼ cup
- Yogurt (don’t use this if using fresh cream)- 2 tsp
- Honey- ½ tsp
- Lemon juice- few drops
- Fresh cream (use only if you have dry skin)- ½ tsp
Do this:
- Mash the papaya
- Add yogurt or cream whatever you are using
- Add honey and lemon juice. If you are using fresh cream, you can omit using lemon juice.
- Mix well to get a paste
- Apply this to your skin
- Wait for about 20 minutes
- Wash off with water and pat dry
- Repeat 2-3 times a week
Remove blemishes with aloe vera and rejuvenate your skin
If your blemishes are due to hyperpigmentation, you may consider using aloe vera gel which is a miraculous remedy for blemishes. Aloe vera has been used since ages for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and other skin benefiting properties. It promotes regeneration of new skin cells after sloughing away the dead cells. It’s excellent hydrating and cleansing properties leave your skin refreshed.
Make aloe vera face mask for blemish free skin
Get this:
- Aloe vera gel- 1 tbsp
- Seaweed like kelp (optional)- 1 tbsp
- Honey (optional)- ½ tbsp
Do this
- Mix all the ingredients well to get a smooth paste
- Wash your face and pat it dry
- Apply the aloe vera mask to your face
- Leave it there for about 20 minutes
- Wash off with lukewarm water
- Pat dry your face
- Repeat 2-3 times a week
In fact, you do not need to add anything to aloe vera gel. It can be applied directly on your face like a mask. It works wonderfully to remove blemishes and give you a wonderful glowing face.
Select one of the above remedies to get rid of blemishes and do not forget to maintain your daily skin care routine. This is enough to keep your skin looking healthy without any blemishes.
I have always used solvaderm for my blemishes but some of my girlfriends prefered to use something that is arround the house (Lazy People) anyways, thank you for this info, this will help them be as attractive as me (well almost)